Teams of Ten


Teams of Ten 2024

Saturday 11th May

Hosted by Target Shooting Auckland

Click here for the RESULTS

Teams of Ten 2024
Shooters from the North Island gathered for the annual Teams of Ten event last weekend at the Howick range in Auckland. The weather was a little chilly in the morning but the normal Auckland weather returned later in the day, fine, hot and sunny. The Howick range is an excellent venue for the Teams of Ten, lots of room for the shooters, spacious mounds and the catering and TSNZ shop were just meters away in the Howick Tennis Club.
Congratulations to Auckland, who made the most of their home advantage to win the 2024 Rees Scroll, leading from start to finish with 3902.191. It was a close tussle for the lower placings, Manawatu 1 just pipped Waikato 1 for second with Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Hawkes Bay all within one point of each other. Congratulations to the top scorer Bex Baines who shot 399.30.
Congratulations to the young Manawatu 2 team who won the Jim Hart Trophy with 3814.129. Auckland 2 was second with 3808.114. Congratulations to Dean Fincham who top scored in the Jim Hart with 396.21.
Many thanks to Auckland for a great event. Thank you to all your members and their hard work which made for a great event.
Janet Hunt
NI Assn secretary





Congratulations to Christchurch, 2023 Candyman Cup winners.

The Candyman Cup was donated in 1981 by Doug Linkhorn, proprietor of “Empire Confectionery”, for competition
between the winners of the North Island’s “Rees Scroll” at Teams of Ten, and the “South Island’s “Andrew & Faulkner Shield” shoots.

The 2019 match was shot between Christchurch and Wellington, with Christchurch taking the win by 16 points.  

Teams of Ten 2024

Target Shooting Auckland will be hosting the 2024 Teams of Ten (Rees Scroll & Jim Hart) competition May 10th and 11th.  

Some information for you all....

  • The Howick Tennis Club (next door to the range) will be the site for catering and also the trading area.
  • The aftermatch function will be at The Howick Club located 107 Botany Road, Howick (5 mins drive (2.4km) from the range).
  • We have 16 mounds. 
  • The Team Managers meeting and North Island AGM will be held at the range/catering area (to be advised) on Friday 10th, evening.
  • There will be ample parking available around the range.

Registrations (expression of interest) for your team/s are now open.  Email me back (by end of February 2024) how many teams you are wanting to register. Around mid March 2024 numbers need to be finalised as payment ($120.00 per team) will be required then.

There is a large variety of accommodation within a 10km radius of the range which you will be responsible for booking.

All teams gear set up will be accommodated within the Rifle Range facility.  

More information will be heading your way in the coming months.

If you have any questions on any of the above information, drop me a line.



Robert Dixon
Target Shooting Auckland Inc
021 389892


Teams of Ten 2023

Royal Tiger Range, Wellington, 13th May


Many thanks to Wellington Association for a well-run Teams of Ten for 2023
The rain stayed away, the parking plan appeared to work well, and shooters had a large marquee for gear space. 
Dinner and presentations at the Brentwood Hotel topped off a great day of shooting.


CONGRATULATONS to the 2022 winners at Teams of Ten:

 Rees Scroll - Wellington 1

 Jim Hart Trophy – Hutt Valley 2


Top Five Shooters:

Kirsten Birrell              Hawkes Bay             398.24
Ryan Taylor                 Horowhenua            397.29
Jason Cameron           Taranaki                    396.19
Stephen Petterson     Auckland                   396.18
Neil Kinsey                   Wellington               395.25

Top Scorers in each Team:

Hawkes Bay                      Kirsten Birrell                398.24
Horowhenua                    Ryan Tayor                     397.29
Taranaki                             Jason Cameron             396.19
Auckland                           Stephen Petterson        396.18
Wellington 1                      Neil Kinsey                     395.25
Wairarapa                          Sian Dunlop                   395.25
Waikato 1                           Roy Herbison                 395.19
Hutt Valley 1                       Brittany Turner             394.26
Manawatu                          Martin Hunt                   394.19
Southern Hawkes Bay      Chris Harrison               393.22
Wanganui                           Tony Bayler                    392.23
Wellington 2                        Edwin Bode                  390.17
Hutt Valley 2                        Noah Clark                    389.18
Waikato 2                            Warren Woodman        384.14




​2024 Teams of Ten will be hosted by Auckland Association

Teams of Ten 2022

Congratulations to the 2022 Winners at the Teams of Ten competition held in Wanganui on 27 August:

Rees Scroll - Wellington 1

Jim Hart Trophy - Wairarapa

Top Shooter - Brittany Turner, Hutt Valley 1 - 399.25


Many thanks to Taranaki Association for running the event.


CLICK HERE for Teams of Ten 2022 Results


Teams of Ten 2021

15 May 2021, Palmerston North


The 60th Anniversary North Island Teams of Ten event was held in Palmerston North on 15th May – many thanks to the Manawatu Association for running this event so well. 
All teams that enter are in the competition for the Rees Scroll, while those teams that ranked below #10 in the previous year’s Teams of Ten match also compete for the Jim Hart Trophy.


CONGRATULATONS to the 2021 winners at Teams of Ten:

 Rees Scroll - Manawatu 1

 Jim Hart Trophy – Hutt Valley 2


Top Five Shooters:

Ryan Taylor                          Horowhenua                        398.26
Brittany Turner                   Hutt Valley 1                        397.26
Meredith Ackrill                  Wellington 1                        396.25
Duncan Carmichael           Hutt Valley 1                        396.22
Jack Cavanagh                    Manawatu 1                        395.28

Top Scorers in each Team:

Manawatu 1                        Jack Cavanagh                    395.28
Waikato 1                             Roy Herbison                       395.21
Hutt Valley 1                        Brittany Turner                   397.26
Wellington 1                        Meredith Ackrill                  396.25
Horowhenua                        Ryan Taylor                          398.26
Taranaki                                Dave Fake                             394.22
Auckland                               Samantha Riddle                394.22
Manawatu 2                        Briar Summerhays              393.19
Southern Hawkes Bay       Stephanie McNair              393.19
Wanganui                             Peter Lissington                  392.20
Hutt Valley 2                        Daryl May                             390.17
Wellington 2                        Kelly Burdon                        390.19
Hawkes Bay                         Kirsten Birrell                      393.19
Wairarapa                            Ben Turner                           391.16
Waikato 2                             Neil Harris                            388.15


Click here for the  2021  TEAMS OF TEN  Results (Updated 21/5/21)


rees scroll 2.jpg
Rees Scroll 2021 - Manawatu 1



jim hart 2.jpg
Jim Hart Trophy 2021 - Hutt Valley 2



The 2022 TEAMS OF TEN event will be hosted by Taranaki Association and held at the Okoia Range in Wanganui.


The Teams of Ten (North Island) and Andrew & Faulkner (South Island) matches are the Islands' premier Indoor Associaton matches.  Venues vary each year and teams are selected by each Association, with the Teams of Ten match being shot annually in May, and the Andrew & Faulkner in July.  The winning North Island and South Island Association teams then compete against each other for the Candyman Cup later in the year. 
(For Andrew & Faulkner information, go to the  INDOOR/ANDREW & FAULKNER page)


Click here for the Teams of Ten VENUES  - 2020-2035




[21st April 2020]


Teams of Ten 2021

The  Teams of Ten event will be be hosted by the Manawatu Association in 2021, with the 2020 event now being officially cancelled. .
Thank you Taranaki  for your prompt response to Manawatu's request to host the 60th anniversary team shoot.
Taranaki will shift to hosting in 2022.  Of course this all depends on the Covid 19 situation. 

Stay safe everyone

Kind regards
Janet Hunt
NISRA Secretary


[March 19th 2020] 

Firstly apologies to those Associations who have not had time to discuss Teams of Ten.  In a rapidly changing situation, the Government announced today (19th March) the ban on gatherings of more than 100 people indoors. This has forced our decision to postpone the holding of ToT in May 2020.

However the majority of Associations have replied to me and were in agreement with postponing the Teams of Ten. 

The next step is to look at the possibility for either holding the ToT match later in 2020 or holding it over until May 2021.This depends on the progression of the Covid-19 virus.

Thank you all for your comments. It is apparent that the TOT competition is highly regarded in the shooting calendar.


Janet Hunt

Secretary, North Island Smallbore Rifle Association



Congratulations to Manawatu, 2019 Candyman Cup winners.

The Candyman Cup was donated in 1981 by Doug Linkhorn, proprietor of “Empire Confectionery”, for competition
between the winners of the North Island’s “Rees Scroll” at Teams of Ten, and the “South Island’s “Andrew & Faulkner Shield” shoots.

The 2019 match was shot between Manawatu and Mid Canterbury, with Manawatu taking the win by a well-deserved 69 points.  

The 2019 Teams of Ten match was hosted by Wairarapa Association
in Masterton, on 11th May.


CONGRATULATONS to the 2019 winners at Teams of Ten:

 Rees Scroll - Manawatu 1

 Jim Hart Trophy - Wanganui

Top Five Shooters:

Chris Harrison     Southern Hawkes Bay                   397.27
Ryan Taylor         Horowhenua                                    397.25
Neil Kinsey          Wellington                                         397.25
Bex Gibbs            Wellington                                         396.26
Kelly Burdon      Wellington                                         396.18

Top Scorers in each Association:

Manawatu 1                       Janet Hunt                          395.26
  Waikato 1                            Roy Herbison                     396.18  
Taranaki                               Jason Cameron                 393.18
Hutt Valley 1                      Brittany Turner                 394.27
Wellington                          Neil Kinsey                          397.25
Southern Hawkes Bay      Chris Harrison                    397.27
Wanganui                            Tony Bayler                        392.19
Horowhenua                     Ryan Taylor                         397.25
Auckland                             Jonathan Gill                      392.21
Manawatu 2                       David Green                       391.17
Waikato 2                            Samuel Wilde                     391.19
Wairarapa                           Paul Crimp                          393.20
Hutt Valley 2                      Kevin Small                         387.17
Hawkes Bay                        Kirsten Birrell                     392.17

Click here for all Teams of Ten 2019 RESULTS