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North vs South UPDATE

August 27th 2021

2021 North vs South - UPDATE 27.8.21

Thank you to those who sent feedback on a possible re-scheduling of the cancelled North vs South Match.  The Executive have now met and reviewed this and have decided to get this match back on for 2021 if at all possible.

It will have to be in a different format of course, and details of the proposed new match and the Team Lists can be found on the INDOOR / North vs South webpage.

However before any new match can happen there needs to be  a change made to the Indoor Rules, and a Special General Meeting is being called for 23rd September for Associations to vote on this.

Should this vote go through, all shooters involved will then get the chance to agree to the proposed match or not, and it can only be run if a majority agree.

We’ll keep everyone informed as this goes forward, and hopefully Covid will allow us to get the match shot in some form or other this year.