We had better weather in Day 2 of the TSNZ Outdoor Nationals - thank goodness! Still a little blustery and very overcast at the start of the day, but still an improvement on Day 1.
The competition at the top of Benchrest is fierce, with only one point separating the top two today. Graeme holds on to the Aggregate by 9 points though, so the others will really have to work hard to catch him now. The first two matches have both been at 10am, which tends to be the better conditions at this range, so tomorrow's final match at 2pm might sort them out. Presentations for the Benchrest Competition are being made at a BBQ at the range tomorrow night.
CLICK HERE for Benchrest Results after Match 2
The first of the two Graded matches was held today for the Prone shooters, with A and D graders shooting in the first squad, followed by the C graders, then the B graders in the last squad of the day. Some great scores coming up in this match - top scorers were Ryan with 620.2 in A Grade, John with 616.2 in B Grade, David with 597.8 in C Grade, and Harry with 607.2 in D Grade.
CLICK HERE for Graded Match 1 RESULTS
It's been great to see so many new shooters at the Nationals this year, and many of them Juniors.