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Outdoor Nationals Day 3

February 21st 2024


Day 3 of the 2024 Outdoor Nationals was warm and sunny - lots of mirage to contend with out on the range today, as well as some fickle breezes a bit later on.   The day started with the C Graders shooting the second match of their Graded competition, followed by the B Graders then the A and D Graders, with some great scores coming out of the first squad of the day as usual.  Lucky we're not giving out a "Wally Award" during the week as we've now had our SECOND shooter to accidentally lean on their target changer button and roll on targets before even starting to shoot - you both know who you are!

CLICK HERE for the Graded 2 RESULTS

CLICK HERE for the Graded Match Aggregates


The Benchrest Competition came to a close today, with all 5 entrants shooting the last of their 3 matches.  There was a lot of waiting going on as the perfect wind was hard to spot as they shot at 2pm today.

Congratulations to Graeme Smith, the winner of the Benchrest Competition for 2024, and to John Booth, the winner of the Benchrest/Prone Aggregate.




Day 4 tomorrow starts with the Women and Junior Women shooting their National Championship match at 10am, then the two squads of Mens Eliminations Matches will follow.  The Mens Junior results will also come out of this match, and from the two squads 20 shooters will move forward to the Mens Qualification Match on Day 5.  We also have the Womens Randle Trophy Match tomorrow, with a team of 10 shooters plus 2 emergencies shooting a dual distance match at 50yds and 100yds against the UK and USA.