Tokoroa, 15 - 22 February 2025
CLICK HERE for the Nationals Programme and ENTRY FORM
Entries are due in by 31st January
Event programme added 26.01.25
Congratulations to the members of the first TSNZ Dewar Team since 1994:
Alan Dickson, Allison Archer, Bex Baines, Dave Westcott, Gary Cuff, Isaac Junc, Isabella Adams, Ivor Brettell, Janet Hunt, Katherine Butt, Kirsten Birrell, Mark Baines, Martin Hunt, Michael Holloway, Owen Bennett, Pippa Taylor, Rob Taylor, Robbie McNair, Ruth McNair and Taresa Morris.
Harry Lange is 1st Emergency, with the 2nd Emergency still to be confirmed.
The match will be shot in Tokoroa at the start of the 2025 Outdoor Nationals, on Sunday 16th February. It’s a dual range match, with 20 shots at 100 yards then 20 shots at 50 yards, each shot within 20 minutes including sighters.
The Dewar is an international match run by NSRA UK and is an Open competition, with both men and women competing in the team together.
The match is to be held at the Outdoor Nationals in Tokoroa in February, and the team will be pre-selected from a points system applied to all outdoor TSNZ Match scores shot from 1 October to 10 February.
Click here for DEWAR MATCH information, Selection Process, and Ranking List (updated 9.2.25)
EMAILS are going out to the top 30 shooters in the ranking list to see who is available and willing to shoot the 2025 Dewar Match.
When replies have been received from them all, the team will be announced.
Palmerston North, 18 - 24 February
The 2024 TSNZ Outdoor Nationals are being co-hosted by Wanganui and Southern Hawkes Bay Outdoor Clubs
and held at the Turitea Range in Palmerston North
Badge Match prizes presented by Act Party MP Nicole McKee
The Final Day of the 2024 TSNZ Outdoor Nationals, and there appeared to be some pretty tired shooters (and helpers) after a long week.
The first events were the international matches, with the full squad of 22 shooting the Slazenger and the top 10 of those also for the Wakefield matches at the same time, followed by the 6 Juniors who were in the Drew Teams but not the Slazenger. There were some excellent scores achieved, and Martin Hunt gained the top score in the Slazenger with 626.5 / 597. The results of the Slazenger Match and others against Australia are in Decimals, but the Wakefield and Drew matches are in Whole Scores as those are UK matches.
CLICK HERE for International Match RESULTS
The last event held is the Association Teams match. Squads of 3 shoot 20 shots each in the 60-shot match as they are scoped by one of their team-mates. Lots of distraction takes place, with each team trying to put the others off their stride, and the spectators take part in this also - banging of drums, loud music, the occasional bit of flying brass ..... anything goes. This is always a fun match and really tests the shooters' ability to block out their surroundings. Teams are either Open or Graded, and results are only announced at the Presentation Dinner. Well done to Manawatu for winning the Open, and Southern Hawkes Bay 1 for taking out the Graded competition.
CLICK HERE for Association Team RESULTS
We then moved on to the Presentation Dinner, where formal team photos are taken, and shooters received pockets, badges, date bars and trophies for their efforts over the week.
CLICK HERE for the 2024 Outdoor Nationals Presentation List
Many thanks to Wanganui and Southern Hawkes Bay Associations and all their helpers for putting on a great event at the Manawatu Range.
Outdoor Nationals 2025 will be hosted by Waikato Association and held in TOKOROA
- this is again in the North Island to re-align the Indoor and Outdoor Nationals into opposite Islands as this had changed over the Covid period.
Day 5 - another great day, weather-wise, and the scores show it, especially in the Men's match in the morning.
Congratulations to Ryan Taylor who topped the Men's Qualification Match with 626.9, more than 8 points ahead of the next shooter on 618.8.
CLICK HERE for the Mens Qualification Match RESULTS
The weather continued to play nice in the afternoon, with Ryan and Martin Hunt level-pegging with a top score of 623.6 for the North Island - that is, until Martin managed to gain 0.1 in a re-mark to pull ahead of Ryan. Congratulations to the North Island who won the match with 6135.8 to the South Island's 6056.4
CLICK HERE for the Island Match RESULTS - Updated
The Final day of the Nationals tomorrow kicks off with the International Matches - Slazenger, Wakefield, Drew, and Juniors / Women vs Australia., followed by a Squad of Juniors only. Shooters only need to shoot once, with scores going towards all the teams they have qualified for. The last event is the Association Teams match, always a bit of fun with plenty of noise and distraction going on.
CLICK HERE for Slazenger/Wakefield Squadding
CLICK HERE for Juniors Squadding
CLICK HERE for Association Teams Squadding
The Dinner, photos and presentations at the Distinctions Hotel in Cuba St is the final "event".
Please make sure you are there by 5.45 for Team photos, dressed in black blazer/jacket, and tidy dark trousers, white shirt and dark tie for men. Women may wear trousers or a skirt/dress with their blazer but please be sure the length is suitable for a seated photo.
Day 4 of the TSNZ Outdoor Nationals was a very busy one. The weather played nice pretty much all day, although it was hot and lots of shooters looked wrung out by the end.
First up was the Womens National Championship Match - congratulations to Janet for the win this year with an excellent score. The scores from this match are combined with the 2 Graded Match scores to select the Randle Team who shoot against USA and UK, and the Womens team to shoot against Australia.
CLICK HERE for the Womens National Match Results
CLICK HERE for NZ Womens Team v Australia
Next up were the two Mens National Match Elimination squads. The top 11 shooters from the first squad and 9 from the second move through to the Mens Qualifying Match tomorrow. Well done to all those who qualified.
CLICK HERE for the Mens Elimination Match Results
CLICK HERE for the MENS QUALIFICATION SQUADDING for tomorrow - 10am start
Scores from both the Mens and Womens National matches are used to select our other International teams - the Slazenger to shoot against Australia, the Wakefield to shoot against UK and USA, and the Drew Junior Teams to shoot against UK and USA.
CLICK HERE for Slazenger and Wakefield Teams
CLICK HERE for Junior Drew Teams
The scores are also used to select the North Island and South Island Teams, who will shoot shoulder to shoulder against each other tomorrow afternoon.
CLICK HERE for the Island Teams
CLICK HERE for the ISLAND TEAM SQUADDING for tomorrow - 2pm start
The final event for the day was the Womens Randle Trophy match, where the team shoot at 100yds and 50yds. This is an International match that NZ started competing in again only a few years ago and is greatly enjoyed by all those who take part. Results are only announced later in the year as our opponents in USA and UK shoot much later than us, with the competition only closing on 31st December.
Day 3 of the 2024 Outdoor Nationals was warm and sunny - lots of mirage to contend with out on the range today, as well as some fickle breezes a bit later on. The day started with the C Graders shooting the second match of their Graded competition, followed by the B Graders then the A and D Graders, with some great scores coming out of the first squad of the day as usual. Lucky we're not giving out a "Wally Award" during the week as we've now had our SECOND shooter to accidentally lean on their target changer button and roll on targets before even starting to shoot - you both know who you are!
CLICK HERE for the Graded 2 RESULTS
CLICK HERE for the Graded Match Aggregates
The Benchrest Competition came to a close today, with all 5 entrants shooting the last of their 3 matches. There was a lot of waiting going on as the perfect wind was hard to spot as they shot at 2pm today.
Congratulations to Graeme Smith, the winner of the Benchrest Competition for 2024, and to John Booth, the winner of the Benchrest/Prone Aggregate.
Day 4 tomorrow starts with the Women and Junior Women shooting their National Championship match at 10am, then the two squads of Mens Eliminations Matches will follow. The Mens Junior results will also come out of this match, and from the two squads 20 shooters will move forward to the Mens Qualification Match on Day 5. We also have the Womens Randle Trophy Match tomorrow, with a team of 10 shooters plus 2 emergencies shooting a dual distance match at 50yds and 100yds against the UK and USA.
We had better weather in Day 2 of the TSNZ Outdoor Nationals - thank goodness! Still a little blustery and very overcast at the start of the day, but still an improvement on Day 1.
The competition at the top of Benchrest is fierce, with only one point separating the top two today. Graeme holds on to the Aggregate by 9 points though, so the others will really have to work hard to catch him now. The first two matches have both been at 10am, which tends to be the better conditions at this range, so tomorrow's final match at 2pm might sort them out. Presentations for the Benchrest Competition are being made at a BBQ at the range tomorrow night.
CLICK HERE for Benchrest Results after Match 2
The first of the two Graded matches was held today for the Prone shooters, with A and D graders shooting in the first squad, followed by the C graders, then the B graders in the last squad of the day. Some great scores coming up in this match - top scorers were Ryan with 620.2 in A Grade, John with 616.2 in B Grade, David with 597.8 in C Grade, and Harry with 607.2 in D Grade.
CLICK HERE for Graded Match 1 RESULTS
It's been great to see so many new shooters at the Nationals this year, and many of them Juniors.
Day 1 of the 2024 TSNZ Outdoor Nationals kicked off with the 50m 3P competition. Unfortunately we only had 2 entries this year, but the men did well to cope with the rain at the start of the match and the blustery winds throughout. Well done to Owen Bennett who top scored in the Qualification Match against Sean Moriarty, and also took out the Final.
The five Benchrest shooters battled through the wind, a stubbornly stuck target changer, and an interesting interpretation of which targets were actually sighters, meaning that 2 of them had to finish the match while the 3P Final was being run. I'm sure they'll be looking forward to the better weather predicted for tomorrow.
CLICK HERE for Benchrest Results after MATCH 1
The final event for Day was was the 50m Prone Badge Match, and what a challenge that was, as by the last squad the winds had picked up even more, with gusts of around 70kph traumatising some of us. (At least that's the speed my weather forecaster gave, those in the first squad were convinced they had it tougher!). Well done the those who figured out the conditions to top-score in their grades.
CLICK HERE for Badge Match Results
Tomorrow there will be a further Benchrest Match, along with the first of the Graded Matches, which go towards the aggregates for Island and NZ selection.
Squadding details and an Event Update were emailed out to competitors on 13th February.
Unfortunately the gremlins had got in and some of the dates on that version of squadding were incorrect, however the match details in the Programme included were correct.
The squadding has now been corrected in this version:
Important note for the Men's National Match:
As there are 31 entries for the Men's National Championship Match two Elimination Matches are being held to bring this number to the 20 required for the Qualification Match.
ISSF Rule has been used for this, with 11 shooters qualifying from the first squad of 17 shooters, and 9 qualifying from the second squad of 14 shooters.
The scores from the Elimination Matches are used for Island/NZ selection.
The Hosts of the 2024 Outdoor Nationals are pleased to announce that Pub Charity has come onboard as a sponsor of the Nationals.
We are now able to offer shooters a rebate on their fees as Pub Charity has sponsored some of the cost of targets. The exact amount will be worked out after the event.
This is on top of the sponsorship for those entering the Nationals for the first time from Luke's Electrical, and sponsorship from Eley UK who have donated some Tenex. Many thanks go to all the sponsors of this top TSNZ event.